
Monday, 8 July 2013


I have some random confessions i fished out ,i hope you like it.

 I'm a straight guy but have a preference for wearing women's underwear. I like the way that they fit and the way that it makes me feel. How weirded out would you be as a girl to find that out about someone you were dating? I'm not fat or out of shape, and look damn good wearing them. Sometimes I just like to blur that line between the genders because I think it's bullsh*t.

I'm bisexual. It doesn't mean I'm gay in denial. It doesn't mean I'm going to leave you for a man. It doesn't mean I'm 50/50 attrracted to men and women. It certainly doesn't mean I'm going to bring men home for threesomes. What it means is that I could be in a monogomous relationship with a woman, or potentially a man, though it's less likely. It does mean that I can understand where women come from emotionally a lot of the time, that I love foreplay and I'm very confident in my body. I don't get why women get so hung up on it and make a big deal out of it.

Ok, so here's the deal. I haven't been in a relationship in a long time, because I hadn't found someone that was right for me. Now, I finally found someone who got along great with me. For a year, he's done nothing but show me affection, kindness, and love. He's worked hard to show me certain things that shows he cares. Lately though, he's been acting a little bit distant. For example, I normally hear from him everyday. Today, he hasn't called nor texted. I wouldn't mind calling him again, but don't want to be a complete nag. Does this mean the relationship is destined to doom? If so I guess it's a good time to break it off? I love him very much, but I don't want him to be thinking he's forced to be with me. I've also made that clear to him several times in the past. Any comments?

heres my confession: im terrified im going to die aone. none of my relationships have woorked out past 6 months and i pretty much just reaized its my fault. its not the guy. its me. im a stuck up bitch thats selfish controlling jealous and immature. i think im so cool but really im not. i sincerely doubt my friends like me and i finally get why they dont want to hang oout. i need to change but i dont know how

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