
Friday, 28 June 2013


GOOD MORNING PEOPLE....i just stumbled on this ...i hope you like it..

Dear Witness, Attached Below is a copy of my final Letter To my better Half. To Be Read to her on my Demise.

If you are reading this that Means I am dead, Just like in the Movies, Don’t Panic or lose a hair, Read on my Dear one.

There is no Pivotal Moment in Life, every step is made possible by those you have made before it. You are what you make yourself to be. And Being who You know me to be, I made certain this is my ONLY wish. To be Accomplished Before all the Wealth I created in This world be Given to you.

I met you at an all time HIGH when I was riding the wave of success of career in Mountain Biking and You Gave me a new High You. I was Addicted and could never Get Enough, I was had a partner and we were Each other Rehab, a Never Ending Cycle of Provision of Whatever Each other Wanted, A COMPANION. and Opened My inner most person to a world where Impossibility Was the starting point of success.

We shared the Fun Fanta style, Just Doing workouts in our gear with me just staring mouth Agape while you Go through your Yoga Paces And I always tell you am Resting when You look at me, No wonder the Body Isn’t as Ripped As those you see on T.v. It isn’t a lack of Love That makes me not present you with a cardboard-like Johnny Bravo Themed Body To complement Your Beach Body. It’s just That I wondered continually How I could be so Blessed .And grin from Ear to ear. I Would watch Fashion T.V , Music videos and in between look at you and smile, I was Content as you were ALL I EVER WANTED and more.

I lived for Everyday to be Better than the Last and to SEE that Smile On your Face never Fade .As SAND is always found Beneath The OCEAN floor, Wanted to Always Be there for You for you to never Lack. Worked ,toiled . To make you proud. Was not Obsessive or Overbearing It’s that I was Limitless in LOVING YOU, and You being Happy is as necessary to me as the RAIN CYCLE continuing Life being Joyful to Live.

I was Never good with Numbers but Perfection could be found when our bodies Inter-twined, creating shapes, angles and Scenery that Would hold a crowd captive along with soft Moans of Pleasure, slowly pouring forth from your full pursed lips .And All the Involuntary Muscle Spasms that were Generated, through our many decadent times .Creating our own LOVEMAKING CODE which Only the Two of us Knew. A small Smile Parts my lips Slightly As I Remember having to Nail Boards to the WALLS for Sounding proofing purposes. And later Employing Professional Help to get it Done and the Kids having to use Ear Plugs In between.

Progressed Though Life smoothly moving through the Gears of Aging and It was Enjoyable as You were right by my side literarily , or screaming via video phone on what you wanted .As we got older in Earthly years We Gave to the Hungry and made a swell Time of It, We helped save Thousands of People through partnerships we had with other Privileged Folk. We looked back on what we had Done together How far we Had Grown, And we were very proud. And felt our Kids had turned out Wonderfully .YOU saved me a fortune everyday By not Filing for a Divorce and running away with half my wealth.

As with all things Great it’s the Durability and Versatility of things that Make it Become Legendary. And I now In a Coffin Prepared for ME would Have my Life no other way. For I found my missing RIB and showed others it was possible. And this is to Say Thank You to You My Angel/Life Guide.I only want you to Remember the Fact That I love You.AS the Love we Share can never end . That is My gift to YOU.


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